A day or so in Guadalajara

Patricia had been in Guadalajara for a few days, spending some time with her son. So when she called and asked if I'd like to come for a couple of days, of course I was on the next bus out of town.

Patricia wanted me to see her home town and we tried to cram it all into two days. I think I'll have to go back again, it's all kind of a blur.

It was right around "Day of the Dead" time, here's some candies for sale in the market.

and a street scene. There are thousands of little shops, and shoppers in all of them. Recession? Not here.

Here's the school where Patricia went.

And Patricia in the doorway. They wouldn't let us in since we aren't students. It looked like a beautiful building from what I could see looking down the hall.

Directly across the courtyard from the school is a building for the police and military. And again we couldn't go inside. That's OK, though. The guy looking like a tourist is me.

The tourist again in front of a cathedral, followed by a few more touristy pics.

The happy couple.

This picture might have not made the cut, but look closely. On the roof, on the right-hand side, above the entryway, was a guy with what looked like an AK-47. We walked closer and there were several military looking guys toting automatic rifles. I have a policy of not pointing cameras at people who have guns, so I didn't take any closer pics. I guess the show of force is supposed to make people seem safe, since you see this kind of stuff even in Manzanillo from time to time, but it has the opposite effect on me.

On a lighter note, a little movie,
"Stalking The Wild Patricia".

Sculpture that people can use. These were in the plaza downtown and we saw more in Plaza del Sol, a shopping mall in Patricia's old neighborhood.

I finally broke down and bought myself a hat that doesn't look too funny.

The big downtown market and Patricia surrounded by candy.

A night on the town.

Edward Scissorhands street performer, Mariachis and the happy couple again, this time with a new hat.

As relaxed as I can get sitting on a ball, and the two of us a little tired but happy to be together.