Sunday the PATA group held a one-day spay and neuter clinic in El Naranjo, a small community a short drive north from Manzanillo. It was held in a really nice facility with a new-looking palapa roof, ceiling fans, concrete floors throughout. It was a pleasant day and with help from the pet owners themselves, 29 cats and dogs were taken care of.
Here's a few people waiting at the door to be checked in.
Looking from the door back to the operating area.
Surgeons at work.
Most people waited throughout the day for their pets.
The good people from ARA Manzanillo brought us sandwiches and drinks.
The recovery room was staffed by volunteers, but we found ourselves without jobs since the pet owners wanted to do the work.
I think this lady is happier holding her two pups than the pups are about being there.
This mama dog will be caring for her last litter.
Me? I mostly like to pet cats.
We worked from about 10AM to nearly 8PM. All in all, a very good day.
If you have any questions about how you can help support or participate in PATA-Manzanillo, you can Email me at:
or check out PATA's web site at
PATA-Manzanillo exists only from donations, so anything you can do is appreciated.